Friday, June 06, 2014


Calista and Ursula have their first babysitting gig tonight!  Our neighbor, Chelsey, is 23 and has 3 kids; but, only the youngest two will be home.  Emmett is 9 mths old and Lilly is 2 yrs old.  She's going to pay them $20.  My girls are excited:-D

Wednesday, March 12, 2014


Got Ursula's top braces yesterday!  They gave her a splint/retainer for her bottom teeth.  It's job is to raise her bite so that her bottom tooth isn't pushing or keeping that top front tooth behind.
At first,  she didn't want me to take her to school after the appointment; but, then she ate, watched The Vampire Diaries, and decided she wanted to go!   So, I brought her... In time for 6th period!   Haha
By the time it came for dinner, her mouth was hurting :-(  She was in tears.  Said that the back anchors were pushing into her gums and hurting her.  Also, the wires were hurting the inside of her mouth.

Wednesday, March 05, 2014


Brought Ursula to her first appointment Monday.  She is so excited!  They did her x-rays, photos, and mouth impressions. They put in two spacers on the top too.  She gets her top braces this Tuesday!

Monday, December 23, 2013

Ursula's 11 Year's Old!

My girlie-girl is 11 now! 
She's funny :-)
She is still moody... likes to argue and be contrary.
She doesn't like hugs too much from anyone other then her parents.

She's 59.5" tall
Weighs 94 lbs
Wears a size 12 or size 0 in clothes
Wears a size 7 shoe
5th grade... had a bad start but seems to be doing much better now.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013


Well, Calista was asked on a date last night by one of her new friends, Jeremie :D  hehe  I told her I think she's too young to go on dates.  He asked her to go to the movies on Friday night and he didn't mind if I went with them... ha ha ha  I'd hope not!  LOL  Because, yes, she'll be chaperoned! :D

In the picture, Jeremie is the taller boy all the way to the left.